

yesterday was my first shift in the emergency department at OSU. it was an exciting day, although i expected more fireworks injuries. my first 2 patients had stab wounds which i got to sew up. tommorrow after our lectures will be shift #2, in what is called fast track, 11am-11pm. this will be my first 12 hour shift since welding this spring. so far, columbus seems great. andy and i had lunch at an irish pub today and went thrifting. andy is my cousin and current roomate. hopefully soon i'll post some of his pictures from the fireworks at candlewood lake.

1 comment:

Jodi Girden said...

hey mark -

i hope your 'fast track' day goes fast, and that 12 hour days come right back to you. now, if only you could weld people back together while listening to your ipod...