
today's the last day!*

almost. finished my written exam in emergency medicine. positive feeling post exam of "yes, this really assessed my knowledge and decision-making." no cheap shot questions. so tomorrow i'll do a shift in the ED at columbus children's the SECOND BUSIEST PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY DEPT. IN THE U.S.! monday i have an oral exam, discussing 3 cases i saw this month. if you care, they are thunderclap headache, small bowel obstruction, and shortness of breath from massive pulmonary abscess. chicago was great-- tapped the traditional grandma sally's restaurant on roosevelt with todd, hung out with the parkers for an afternoon, but didn't have my cam. this might be the first summer that i haven't photodocumented the parker kids' growth. the twins are 2 now, so that keeps life interesting.

here's a couple of photos unrelated to this post that i found on an old disk of pictures taken in utah from 2 1/2 years ago.

*reference from secretblogofjodigirden, et. al.

this is one of my all-time favorite photos. i took this at dawn from a snow-covered mountainside forest, within which the SILENCE was unbelievable. you might expect a sunrise like this to be accompanied by a grand pipe organ or maybe trumpets... but no, this show was purely for the eyes.

this was just after sunset from our apartment, todd and mom both sleeping on couches, and the reflection of the valley lights in the window.

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