anyone who knows me knows i love the ocean, the beach, the warm sand between toes, the numbing, repetitive rush of waves, the undulation of sea foam, the lying on a sheet under the stars on a deserted beach at midnight. or surfing by the light of a full moon. ok, i've got to stop before i start crying i miss the beach so much! but what i started to say was, as breathtaking as the warm coast is... there is something equally grand about a fresh blanket of snow and a rich blue sky overhead. have you ever noticed that shadows in the snow are never grey, always blue? when taking this picture i was standing at one of my favorite places in the world. many of you have been to that spot. some of you have even juggled hot coals there.
some unidentified small animal aparently climbed out of the lake, up to the fire-ring, and then changed his mind and went back to the lake.
if you could perceive even half of the beauty that exists within one mile of you right now... i think your brain would explode. if you have no idea what i mean watch amelie
the pathway
What a great set of pics. Reminds me of the great white north, where there are like 100,000 lakes to enjoy. Take that MN.
i miss that blue shadowy world. the pictures are beautiful. and make my heart hurt a little a good way.
On a day like today, when the whipping with extra bite, it is good to be reminded of the beauty that comes with the winter months. And when in doubt, always watch Amelie to see the world in a magical new light!
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