
celestial bodies

quick post.  at this moment 11/23/07 at 16:56, the setting of the sun is reflected in the 2nd story west-facing window of the apartment directly across from my east-facing windows.  

this morning at 5:50, driving west on perry township road 87, leaving my cousins' house, i saw the moon set over the now-harvested corn field.  it was the same color that the sun is now.  i don't think i have ever seen the moon set, or at least i never noticed.  annie dillard says that beauty happens all the time, all around us, but we are too blind, or too distracted, to see it.

i think she's right.  having seen twice in one day a ball of light, and a ball of reflected light, clearing the horizon, i feel like the world is in motion.  whether or not i feel it, i suppose it is in motion anyway.  

i'm going to put photos up on the blog again, i swear, since it is called "photomark".  they say that a picture is worth a thousand words.  it seems to me that underestimates the power of a word.  obviously i love pictures and images, but i also know for a fact that a well placed word can change the world, or a persons life, which is a fraction of the world.

if you are reading this, have a wide-eyed night!

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