
trauma: walking the line

for those of you i haven't talked to this month, i've just finished a rotation on the trauma service at our hospital. i truly loved it, felt so alive in this room, so buzzed. some thoughts on trauma:it is the #1 killer of people between the ages of 1 and 44 in america.
this is where they bring the broken, bloodied, beat up, crashed, and shot.
and we do everything we know to fix them up.
there is a line, sometimes narrow, between life and death.
as the trauma team, it is our duty and our priviledge
to take our patients by the hands, and lead them along this line,
no matter what happened, no matter whose fault,
no matter what time of the day or night. no matter what.

some of our patients lived this month, some died,
some will never walk again, some will never talk again, and some will.
it's not fair, it's life. it's the way it is.


Bigbennybennben said...

What is it that makes some people engergized in such a context? Thats not most people.

Randall said...

I know the feeling. It's a weird dichotomy, working to save the hopeless and those with maybe more than a few days left. I'm about 3/4 through my MICU rotation. It's been hard seeing patients die, but it is wonderful to see someone walk out alive.