
july 4 2006

lanker tradition, since at least high school, is party on july 4, finished off with fireworks when it gets dark. other things to do that day: tubing, rope swing, swimming, bonfire, pingpong, of course the potluck meal, and a good deal of socializing (mom, should i know these people?). its one of the few times in the summer when we get all the cousins together. so my cousin andy is also an avid photographer and actually has the good fortune of working at cord camera, where i go sometimes to drool on the glass countertops while looking at the DSLRs and the extension tubes (don't ask, its a camera thing). anyways, so these are some of his photographs from that night. enjoy.


today's the last day!*

almost. finished my written exam in emergency medicine. positive feeling post exam of "yes, this really assessed my knowledge and decision-making." no cheap shot questions. so tomorrow i'll do a shift in the ED at columbus children's the SECOND BUSIEST PEDIATRIC EMERGENCY DEPT. IN THE U.S.! monday i have an oral exam, discussing 3 cases i saw this month. if you care, they are thunderclap headache, small bowel obstruction, and shortness of breath from massive pulmonary abscess. chicago was great-- tapped the traditional grandma sally's restaurant on roosevelt with todd, hung out with the parkers for an afternoon, but didn't have my cam. this might be the first summer that i haven't photodocumented the parker kids' growth. the twins are 2 now, so that keeps life interesting.

here's a couple of photos unrelated to this post that i found on an old disk of pictures taken in utah from 2 1/2 years ago.

*reference from secretblogofjodigirden, et. al.

this is one of my all-time favorite photos. i took this at dawn from a snow-covered mountainside forest, within which the SILENCE was unbelievable. you might expect a sunrise like this to be accompanied by a grand pipe organ or maybe trumpets... but no, this show was purely for the eyes.

this was just after sunset from our apartment, todd and mom both sleeping on couches, and the reflection of the valley lights in the window.


the department

This the OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY medical center, where i'm working now. the building on the R is medical sciences library, great place for reading, internet, or post-call, under-the-tables-in-conference-room naps. at center is the main hospital, and to the L is Ross Heart Hospital, the basement of which is the Emergency Department, where i'm working now. it has been a really great month, i've got to see a lot, do a lot, learn a lot. i think emergency med will be a good fit with my approach to life and medicine. so i'm off to chicago tomorrow AM to take clinical skills exam downtown, and of course hang out with todd, the parkers, and eric naus if i can find that guy. if you are also in chicago right now, you should give me a call and we'll hook up. 571.331.3606. Posted by Picasa


gun day

from left: brad, myself, brian, andy, benji. not seen: josh and ryan

last thursday to celebrate (yellow) andy's upcoming wedding, we went out to lanker farms and shot guns. let me restate that, GUNS! pictured here, also L to R, are an M16, colt revolver, AK47, 22, and a 12 gauge shotgun. brad also has a 9mm tucked in his belt if you can't see it. the AK47 definitely kicked the hardest, but the highlight for me was shooting clay pigeons with the 12 gauge. i've wanted to do that ever since "duck hunt". this photo reminded me of the untouchables, great movie.



so the title was supposed to be a caveman reference, and i'm not sure that it was clear to you the reader. anyway, cardboard burns really hot. especially if you crumple newspaper inside boxes and build a superstructure. and that is exactly what we did. check it out. oh yeah, and there's this crater of burned grass around the fire ring now, uh sorry mom. btw, does anybody know how to make videos play in blogger? so the ghost-looking person in frame 1 is matt, and the one slashing at the fire in 3 is todd.



yesterday was my first shift in the emergency department at OSU. it was an exciting day, although i expected more fireworks injuries. my first 2 patients had stab wounds which i got to sew up. tommorrow after our lectures will be shift #2, in what is called fast track, 11am-11pm. this will be my first 12 hour shift since welding this spring. so far, columbus seems great. andy and i had lunch at an irish pub today and went thrifting. andy is my cousin and current roomate. hopefully soon i'll post some of his pictures from the fireworks at candlewood lake.