
and god said: "let there be light," and there was light.

i am making a blog entry, after a year of blogging silence, with no apology. someone wise said: you can't say everything, but SAY SOMETHING! lauren told me that, and it has revolutionized my writing and photography. so here are 2 images, 2 musings, that hopefully say something, or even better, ask something.

tonight, 3 hours 20 minutes ago to be exact, i watched the sun set over the pacific ocean. i was standing on a rock on the southwest coast of oahu. that rock is on a bigger rock that formed when melted rock welled up in the depths of the ocean, then instantly hardened when it touched water.

there is no place in the world that i feel more at home, more at peace than swimming in the ocean, and today i had the opportunity to paddle out at this very beach on a boogie board, float in the glassy green water and watch the sun descend. it has always fascinated me how water flows over the whole earth, and if i could swim far enough, or better yet sail, from where i stood tonight, i could get to any saltwater beach, excepting the ones that are frozen over in alaska and norway and russia.

but tonight i was on this particular beach, watching the colors morph across the sky and the sand, and i was overcome with light, color, shadows, reflections. i read something recently, or rather heard something read last week in a hawaiian elementary school gymnasium. it is from ecclesiastes:

"light is sweet, and it pleases the eyes to see the sun"

it made me wonder if perhaps god made our bodies to thrive in the tropics? it really affects my whole outlook on life just to have the sun overhead! how is it that as sophisticated as human beings become, we are still tied to light, to heat, to water? we cannot live without these things any more than we can go without sleeping.

imagine, just for a minute, that you are this boy, sitting on your board, watching your friends ride the waves, and looking out at the horizon. what are you thinking about? in this still moment, on this beach you are free of your problems, the judgements of other people, free of pain and free of all fears. it is a minute that you will have only once, and nothing can touch it. where does your mind go when it is free? ok, the minutes over, you are back to your current lifestyle. did you miss it while you were gone?

where does your mind go when it is free? i wonder how differently this question would be answered by you, me, the boy in the picture, a man in jail, a pro soccer player, a monk, a dancer, a heroin addict, a 5 year old at kindergarten?