I just realized something. the reason i so rarely blog isn't because i can't think of anything to write or i don't have any photos. its because i wait for something "absolutely brilliant" to come along and hit me over the head with a shovel. then i thought, what's wrong with my ordinary thoughts, the stuff that makes up 98% of life? why does it have to be earth-shattering before i post on my blog? well i think there are reasons why and lets talk about that sometime, but for now, i'm calling my own bluff. i'm posting a simple picture that i simply like because it is full of colors and it was a great experience that i think you would enjoy.
this is how you make orange juice. its pretty much what you would guess! here is my particular method which i found to be very effective. it resulted in a delicious juice which i am drinking right now:
1) obtain ripe oranges. i used florida navals and tangerines which scott and i bought from a roadside stand. it is best if the fruit is soft, even on the verge of over-ripe.
2) cut an orange through its equator (the only plane that will not bisect the stem)
3) place the round part in the palm of your hand and squeeze hard. harder. ok. let the juice run into a wide mouth container which has a lid you can seal.
4) once you have squeezed the liquid from the orange, hold the cut edges of the peel against each other and carefully cut the ragged pulp that is exposed away from the peel. this will greatly improve the flavor and texture.
5) repeat steps 3 + 4 as many times as you like, or until the container is 3/4 full.
6) seal the container, and shake vigorously. this will tear and mix the pulp, crushing fibers of orangy flesh against the walls of the container.
7) place in the refrigerator or other cool place.
8) pour the juice into a glass (on that is made of glass). this step is important.
9) enjoy!
it was my dear friend a.s. from virginia who gave me a journal prior to a journey and reminded me not so save the pages for lofty thoughts... but fill it up with whatever fills up my head, no matter how earthy. anyways this orange juice is incredible. you should come on over an have a glass.