
one more grain of sand

everyone who writes online sooner or later starts a blog entry with an apology. so i guess its my turn. i hate excuses, so i'll just say it is fully my fault that i haven't written or shown any pictures since JUNE. also PC's suck. just wanted to throw that in there.

well i will very soon be joining the dwight schroot army of champions who use macs. i cannot wait! leopard is fresh and its looking good. mostly i'm excited about 2 things: aperature and ichat (video chatting). and hopefully with a good editing program and computer-web interface i'll have a much cooler and more frequently updated blog. i may just shut this dude down and start from scratch. we'll see. but in any case....

there are so many things to blog about i don't know what to say first. i realized that some of my last pictures were of mini newton, as i like to call him, and 2 weekends ago i saw that little rugrat again! cant wait to post some more current photos as soon as the mac arrives. yep, ben and lindsey came over and hung out at my apt, spent the night, and lindsey ran in the columbus half marathon and newt and i took sam on his first bike ride.

anyways, change of idea,

Jack Johnson song:

"if i could"
a brand new baby was born yesterday, just in time.
papa cried, baby cried, see his tears are like mine
heard some words from a friend on the phone
didn't sound so good
the doctor gave him two weeks to live
i'd give him more, if i could.

down the middle drops one more grain of sand
they say that new life makes losing life easier to understand
words are kind, they help ease the mind,
i miss my old friend
well if you gotta go just leave a piece of your soul
one goes out, one comes in.

so two important things happened in my life today. one of my patients died this morning. those of you who know me know that i'm a resident in the ICU at a hospital in ohio. i'm purposefully keeping this vague, for the protection of the patient, but suffice it to say that this has been for me a month long battle for his life. not just me of course, a great number of people have been working very hard to keep this man alive. the nurses in our unit are outstanding, as are the respiratory, surg, trauma, neuro teams... i could go on, but the point is brilliant hardworking people have been doing everything they could think of for the last 30 days, and yet..... in the end some live and some die. so there is that.

the other important thing. i called my big bro after work and he told me that i'm gonna be an uncle. scott and holly are pregnant! i am so happy for them and proud that i just cannot contain it. so i thought of jack johnson's song immediately. the two events were juxtaposed in my mind, but then i realized for the family of my patient, they saw only one, and for s + h, they also saw only one. they say that when you lose a beloved dog the best thing to do is get a puppy. maybe when someone dies their family should be paired up with another family that's going to have a baby. just an idea, but in any case i think.....

i think that we each need to be reminded as frequently as possible of two things: LIFE'S BREVITY and LIFE'S MIRACLE. neither one tells the whole story: yea, we're alive for now, and yea we're headed for the grave. this day, right now, the one you're using part of to read my blog, is the one you have to live. just do one thing for me, ok? do one thing tomorrow that you've been saving to do just before you die. you know, one of those things people say like "i wish i had told that person how much i respected them" or "i wish i had taken that roadtrip" or "i wish i had spent more time lying on my back looking at clouds" or "i wish i had seen U2 in concert". whatever it is, just do it man. i know its been said before like a million times, but not one of us is promised tomorrow. not you, not me.

if you need to be cheered up after my slightly depressing blog, you should surf on over to jodigirden.blogspot.com for a nice warm bowl of jodicuteness. (yes that's from the office) her latest story rocks absolutely. but seriously i hope it is not depressing for people to read this, but i hope it does spark somebody into action. after all, if we do not act, what will they write on our gravestones?