
october ski

jodi took this photo, and we instantly fell in love with it. the unusual focal point in the foreground, far from detracting, adds depth and interest to the photograph. that's me in the background.the position of the hands is what drew me to take this photo. this is jodi taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her. ok you get it.
this insanse person is matthew, who is not only making the perfect slalom turn in this shot, but doing so in almost glacial water.
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the apartment

these bowls were made by a local artist, absolutely blew me away so i had to buy them at the halizo arts festival. cool story too: the colorful patterns on their inner surface were created by accident: she heated them 100 degrees too hot in the kiln. if you believe that accidents happen.

this is my creation in "my front yard" which technically is not mine, and technically is not a yard. it is just a triangle of space in front of the apt which i adopted. the sand is compliments of croatan beach south of the inlet in va-bch.
this is my sink (after its bi-annual cleaning)
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family part 1

from top: dad ready to ascend, scott in the stratosphere over qatar or saudi arabia, todd in character.
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family part 2

from top: matthew and jodi plugged in and taking care of business, scott and his fiance holly in omaha this summer, and mom on the back porch with everyone's favorite creature, hunter.
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